Thursday, October 15, 2015
The Progressive Left’s Revised Rules For Hate Speech: It’s Wrong As Long As You Don’t Piss Us Off
While making a speech in North Carolina, conservative presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson made a statement concerning the use of the Confederate flag, saying that its display on private property was not a problem for him. This led Ivy League professor Anthea Butler to tweet that Carson deserved the “Coon Of The Year Award” for taking such a stand. I find it curious that a prominent member of Ivy League academia would use the word Coon to refer to a black man while the hottest concept on college campuses today is enforcement of the new discourse rules called “Micro Aggression”
Micro Aggression was originally intended to describe implied or loosely veiled insults used to marginalize people in a minority group, particularly those of African descent. It has now grown into an Orwellian Newspeak used to coerce and control a student’s thoughts and what they can actually say to one another while on campus.
Here are some phrases that students are being told not to use due to their micro aggressive nature:
“America is a melting pot.”
“I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”
“Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.”
These are true statements that should offend no one, but the loss of common sense in our progressive educational culture has become epidemic. Colleges that were once intended to educate, provoke thought, and build character now seem to be centers for sensitivity training and indoctrination. To further promote a culture of victimhood some of these bastions of higher learning are also providing Safe Rooms where students can go if they have heard or experienced anything that has been troubling or traumatic to them. Here the student is supplied with cookies, coloring books, bubbles, play-doh, or video of frolicking puppies to soothe their bruised sensibilities. So much for character building.
So how is it that the “Coon Of The Year” comment did not cause a massive outrage. Why are we not seeing a tearful apology like that of Paula Deen before she lost her cooking show or a resignation like that of Brendan Eich when he was forced out as CEO of Mozilla? Anthea Butler is a member of the progressive establishment and for them it’s ok to use hate speech. That’s because they are the ones making the rules. It is a double standard but it cannot be argued with. If you are part of the progressive elite in education, media, entertainment or politics, you are riding the wave of these new enlightened rules and if you decide to break them in order to get one of the rest of us in line, well that’s ok. See?
Let’s look at a few examples, shall we…
Dr. Carson stepped in it again when he suggested that Hitler would have had much more difficulty with his program to exterminate the Jews had he not first confiscated their guns. Carson went on to say that in mass shooting situations people should not cower and hide but rush their attacker before he has a chance to control the situation. The implication of these comments violates progressive doctrine in two very important ways. First, in suggesting that the confiscation of guns is bad because it can lead to tyranny and holocaust (an absolute truth: see Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin etc.) he violates the doctrine that guns are always the problem and the average citizen is not worthy of their possession – at least not without the blessing of The State. His second statement implies that when one’s life is threatened it is better to fight back as an empowered individual. This is wrong headed and goes against the accepted recommendation to ‘shelter in place’ while waiting for authorities of The State to come and rescue you. Dr. Ben Carson needed to be put in his place for making these outrageous statements. The response was swift and eloquent.
Movie star Seth Rogen expressed his anger by tweeting out “Fuck You @realBenCarson” and Gentleman’s Quarterly magazine, aka GQ, featured an article by word smith Drew Magary that was not gentlemanly at all. It was titled simply “Fuck Ben Carson”. You may notice a theme here. Mr. Magary also wrote that Carson, and anyone that would vote for him, was indeed “stupid”. So much for intellectual political discourse on the field of ideas.
Earlier in the year after Dr. Carson made some controversial remarks about homosexuality he was invited by columnist Dan Savage – a man repeatedly hired by educational institutions to talk to our children about bullying – to “ Suck my dick and see if you turn gay”. As attractive as that invitation may have seemed at the time I believed that the good doctor turned it down.
I think that at this point under our new rules for Micro Aggression Dr. Carson has suffered enough to declare an “Ouchy” and crawl off the stage, but isn’t that really what these people want? So you see, with ends justifying the means, once again hateful and offensive speech for those on the progressive left is ok.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, another conservative, when commenting on the Oregon community college shooting suggested that broken family structures contribute to such tragic incidents and that more present and stronger male role models would help solve this problem. Unfortunately that is not the accepted progressive solution. The correct answer here is for government to support unwed mothers and broken families and to care for the broken children that come from them. Thus fostering more votes for more and bigger government. Further, as mentioned earlier, they believe in confiscation of firearms from the general population. That particular solution is not yet a popular one so, using NewSpeak it has been code named , “common sense gun control reforms” and if you do not embrace it you must be attacked.
So we should not be surprised when Esquire magazine published an article by the enlightened intellectual Charles Pierce entitled “Please Punch This Man InThe Dick”. The article does not seem to focus on any specifics or debate Jindal’s premise but goes on to say “There is no national tragedy that this charlatan cannot make worse.” This to me would seem to pass right through the boundaries of Micro Aggression speech and moves on toward full blown attack. Perhaps if Governor Jindal were a college student he would need to spend an entire week in the Quite Room staring at puppies.
As a libertarian I do not in fact have a problem with any of these incidents, in fact I condone them as part of the social discourse guaranteed to us in this country under the Second Amendment. It is dangerously wrong, however, that the elite progressive left will not let anyone that disagrees with them enjoy the same freedom of expression. Right now, these are the people who appear to be calling all the shots. That IS my problem, and I strongly advise that more U.S. Citizens should make it their problem as well. Before all of us lose our liberty.
Buddy Walker
Sunday, September 27, 2015
To Preserve, Protect and Defend....Would President Trump Reinstate the US Constitution Or Become Our First King?
Donald Trump has often been accused of not being specific
enough when discussing his proposed plans to “Make America Great Again”. But while the media focuses on whose feelings
he has hurt or which racial group he has offended, Trump has published three very
impressive position papers, one on immigration policy, another on the Second
Amendment and a third on tax reform. Together they look like the plans of a true constitutional conservative.
But is that really Donald Trump? Does he
really even want to be President Of The
United States, and if he gets the job will he uphold the Constitution or will
he uphold Donald Trump?
I think that these
questions are exceedingly important considering the constitutional tipping
point that we currently face in this country. I believe that the 2016
presidential election will be one of the most important in this country’s
history. I also believe that Donald Trump is a real and viable candidate for
the presidency and is indeed qualified to do the job. But as I watch his never ending self-promotion
and constant chest thumping I grow concerned as to whether a Trump presidency
would help this nation re-assert its constitutional roots or continue the executive
branch’s current rise to royalty.
In August Mr. Trump published an immigration policy plan
that was very specific and very strong in its assertion that immigration laws
should protect and serve the interests of American citizens, not those trying
to get into the country illegally. The plan was comprehensive, well written,
and embraced by many as a program that would really work and work quickly.
Trump released another policy paper in September detailing
his stand on the Second Amendment. It advocated gun ownership, state
reciprocity of concealed carry permits, and an end to government gun and
magazine bans. This is the second very specific plan that Trump has put forth,
and the second plan that supports the view of a true constitutional conservative.
Most recently he has generated a tax
plan that reduces income tax from 7 brackets to 4, cuts the business tax
rate to 15%, abolishes inheritance taxes and cuts capital gains. Constitutional
conservative Mark Levin called it “a hell of a plan”.
How do such detailed and intellectual outlines come from Donald
Trump? Known for his bombastic speeches, his showmanship, and his huge ego, Trump
is often portrayed as a boorish buffoon and not an intellectual. ‘The Donald’
should not be expected to compose detailed positions on domestic policy. Should
Let us not forget that Mr. Trump is also an accomplished
executive. He sits atop a hugely successful real estate empire and literally
wrote ‘The Art of the Deal’ (which he
claims sold more copies than any other business book in history). He is not
just an executive, he is an executive of considerable success and power and one
that should not be trifled with. Just ask him.
Detractors will point out that Trump had help with his
immigration plan. He did not actually compose the plan by himself. Good
executives, however do not need to know everything or do everything themselves.
Instead they know how to find the best talents available and use them as
advisors or managers who get the job done. This is an extremely important and
valuable talent in a leader and at least in part defines the difference between
the Carter and Reagan presidencies. Donald Trump does indeed have this
executive quality.
To create his immigration plan, Trump engaged the help of
Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama who is an expert on immigration and chairman of
the Senate subcommittee on same. I do not know if he had someone’s help writing
his tax plan or his policy paper on the Second Amendment. If he got help there it could have been from
Charlton Heston’s ghost. It is that good, and I could vote for Donald Trump if
he really stands by what he wrote. Add to that his ability to cut through the
oppressive mire of political correctness, his refusal to back down to the
bullying left wing media and wow, suddenly his speeches need to be made from a
stadium. …. Let there be no mistake, Donald Trump is for real.
The problem is that our country is at a tipping point,
teetering between liberty and tyranny. The US constitution and it’s separation
of powers have been dismantled and the executive branch of the federal
government is gobbling up power like a python in the Florida Everglades.
President Obama’s use of the EPA, DOJ, DOE, TSA, FEC, FTC, OSHA, NLRB, along with his famed pen and phone are quickly
transforming the office of president into the office of King, and by 2017’s
inauguration there will be in place all of the pieces to build the throne onto
which our next leader could ascend.
If our next president is truly a constitutional
conservative, he or she will dismantle this throne and put the balance of power
back where the founders intended it – in the hands of the people. The
temptation, however, to become King will be stronger than it has been for any
president since George Washington, who was actually offered the job. George
Washington was a man of great character who put the concepts laid out in our
constitution ahead of any personal glory or gain. Can that same statement be
made of Donald Trump?
As much as I enjoy watching Donald Trump chew up the
arrogant icons in media, culture and politics, his underlying character and
intent concern me. Maybe if he presents a plan to abolish rule making by
executive agencies, stop run away executive orders and make laws come from
Congress again I will be convinced to support him. In the mean time I will sit
back and enjoy the show, it has been a really fun ride so far. But I remain
cautious. POTUS has become an incredibly powerful office. It is ripe for a King
and Donald Trump looks really good in a crown. It shows off his hair.
Buddy Walker
Saturday, July 4, 2015
The True Crime Of The Confederate Flag
Ever since the Confederate Flag walked into Emanuel African
Methodist Episcopal Church and shot and killed nine people it has been under
tremendous scrutiny.
Within days of the shooting the state of California banned
the flag’s display and sale on state property and South Carolina removed it
from their capitol. Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia all stopped the display of
Confederate Flag license plates, and Alabama ordered that four Confederate
flags be removed from a monument on their capitol grounds. Facebook announced
that its ban on any posts containing The Confederate Flag that would go into
effect the week after Independence Day. Walmart, Amazon, Sears, and eBay all stopped
selling The Confederate Flag. Then they stopped selling merchandise that
displayed contained, mentioned or slightly resembled The Confederate Flag.
None of this is surprising considering the horrible nature
of the crime that The Confederate Flag has committed, and by week’s end many
more would exact their just and much deserved punishments upon it.
The same Confederate Flag that committed the horrific
murders in Charleston, South Carolina was painted on the roof of an orange Dodge
Charger in the 1970’s TV show "Dukes of Hazzard" and for that reason TV
Land pulled reruns of the show and Warner Bros. stopped making and selling
"Dukes of Hazzard" merchandise. Golfer Bubba Watson who owns the
show’s original car the “General Lee”, announced that he will repaint the car’s
roof to remove the offending symbol. NASCAR announced its plans to limit The
Confederate Flag’s presence at its tracks (best of luck with that one) and Fort
Sumter, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, has taken down its
Confederate Flags under a directive by the National Park Service. Gettysburg
National Park also removed Confederate Flag items from its bookstore. This
makes a great deal of sense because the last place we need to see The
Confederate Flag is in a book about the Civil War.
During this same historic week North Charleston police Sgt.
Shannon Dildine was fired for posting a picture of himself wearing Confederate
Flag boxer shorts on his Facebook page. His termination letter said the photo
undermined the officer’s “ability to improve trust and instill confidence when
working with our citizens.” Chuck Netzhammer walked into a Walmart bakery in
Slidell, Louisiana and ordered a cake with an image of The Confederate Flag and
the words, "Heritage Not Hate" on it. His request was denied. As you know, cakes are
now a leading barometer of the political and social climate in this country.
Yes, the Confederate Flag has been getting more bad press
than Donald Trump hosting a Cinco DeMaio pageant, and I think its treatment demonstrates
a true need for us to reflect on who we really are as individuals, as a culture,
and as citizens living in a nation of laws. What does our response to this tragedy
say about our principles and our collective character? Where do we go from
here? I have some ideas.
First, this is another glaring example of the need for
sweeping changes in our gun control regulations. How does the Confederate Flag legally
purchase a 45-caliber Glock handgun in the first place? Did they DO a
background check? I know, some of you
are still saying guns don’t kill people, flags with guns kill people, but I
think that the problem here is obvious and needs to be addressed.
Next, we need a drastic rewrite of our history. If the
National Park Service sees the need to pull down the flags that flew over Fort
Sumter and stop the sale of certain books at Gettysburg, well what more do we
need. Just remove The Confederate Flag
from history. How hard can it be? In just one week we have removed it
from most of our culture. There is already a detailed design of how to do this
in George Orwell's 1984. In the book Winston Smith spends his days at Ministry
of Truth "rectifying" historical records to conform to Big Brother's
most recent pronouncements. I’m sure that our President would have no problem
using his pen one more time to create a Ministry of Truth for us, and our new
and improved history will fit right into federal Common Core education
Further, in light of our legal system’s embrace of hate
crime legislation, a jury will need consider what motive the Confederate Flag
had in committing this crime. What was it thinking? What was it standing for at the time?
It has been said that the Confederate Flag stands for many
things to many different people. Some say that the flag stands for slavery, others
say it stands for southern heritage, there are those from the north as well as
south that say it stands for state’s rights. I think we can be sure of one
thing here. If the Confederate Flag is truly tied to state’s rights they need
not consider the death penalty. The flag
will be dying of natural causes very soon anyway. This should help the jury
during the penalty phase of the trial.
Seeing what is happening to The Confederate Flag should have
a great influence on keeping other flags on the straight and narrow. If there
is any debate left on what the Confederate Flag stands for it should be pretty
obvious. It stands as an example to other flags that they better not get out of
line. I heard a rumor recently that the state flag of Colorado has a drug
problem. Don’t say anything..
Over the last several weeks The American Flag has been taking a
beating in this country as well. It has been burned and stomped on in the
streets and public squares across our nation by people telling us that black
lives matter and gay pride matters and others that are just really pissed off
but have not assigned themselves to a popular cause yet. I am not sure what
horrible crime the American Flag has committed. I know over the years it has
been accused of many. I think back before prohibition it robbed a liquor store
or two. Anyway, I am sure it deserves the punishment that it is now receiving.
Perhaps it’s time that we went out and got a new flag. One
with less baggage. Maybe the flag of Greece. I hear that we could get a pretty good
deal on it about now.
Buddy Walker
Special thanks to Phil Valentine for leading me to this
concept. Thanks Phil hope to meet you someday.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Life In The Land Of Lies
While reading the news last week you may have come to the
conclusion as I did that everyone in this country is lying. A more important
revelation is that most of these lies are coming from people in positions of
leadership and power. My mother has often told me that “there is nothing new
under the sun” but I am getting a sick feeling that we are progressing far
beyond a few lying politicians. The extent to which everything we are being
told is nearly devoid of the truth is to me frightening and becoming downright
Am I wrong to be so scared? Here is a review of some
highlights from just last week.
The week started with Brian Williams taking flak for not
taking flak when some Iraq veterans exposed his dramatic 2003 war story as a
lie. Williams had claimed for years that the military helicopter he occupied
was forced to land while taking RPG fire. This was not true, and once it was
reported the flood gates containing a myriad of William’s factual inaccuracies was
opened. By weeks end it was clear that
the NBC News anchor was more than someone who creatively embellished a story.
He appeared to have a seemingly pathological habit of putting himself into the
news events on which he reported. These included stories from hurricane
Katrina, the Brandenburg Gate, the Pope, Seal Team Six and one or more puppies
that he rescued from a burning building.
What is of greater concern here is the credibility of NBC.
The last shoe to drop before they suspended Williams was a report that the
network had known of his credibility issues for years and ignored them. This is
not the first time that the temerity of NBC news has been questioned. In 1993 they
were caught placing incendiary devices in Chevrolet trucks to prove they had an
exploding problem, and in 2012 they were caught inserting themselves into the
Trayvon Martin case by selectively editing George Zimmerman's taped 911 call. They
also employ Al Sharpton.
“The fiddling with
temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever” was the title of a story The
UK Daily Telegraph published the same week.
The story documents the extent to which official temperature records were
systematically “adjusted” to show the earth as having warmed much more than the
actual data justified. This story comes
just a week after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration claimed
2014 was the warmest year on record, a widely disputed allegation that made
headlines worldwide almost instantly. Apparently the taxpayer-funded agency
employed fudge factors and dubious temperature estimates rather than objective
global data. The “undisputed scientific
fact” of global-warming that has been
beaten into our heads for the past 30 years by educators, politicians, entertainers, government
agencies, movies, commercials, green businesses, the UN and whatever it is Al Gore has become is quite
possibly neither science or fact and could be, dare I say it, a great big fat
The credibility of the administration’s Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) also made the news when the CEO of Gallup, Jim Clifton, wrote
an opinion piece on the organization’s web site stating that the number of full
time jobs in this country as a percent of the adult population “is the worst
it’s been in 30 years” and called the government’s 5.6 percent unemployment
figure “The Big Lie” in the article’s headline. These unemployment numbers are
published by the BLS every month and have been touted since the Great
Depression as an important economic indicator.
Of late they are being heralded by both the media and the administration
as proof that the US economy is doing just dandy even though most of us living in
it have very good personal reasons to believe that it is not. Mr. Clifton is not
the first to suggest that these numbers may somehow have become skewed to
support current economic policy and may be in the words of George W. Bush “misunderestimated”.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler
has acknowledged that the commission decided to avoid congressional input for
its new “Net Neutrality” program while adopting Franklin Roosevelt’s 1934
Communications Act to regulate the Internet. To hide this decision from those
who care about free speech, markets, and commerce, Wheeler “embargoed” the
release of any specifics. The President has touted the plan as a way to make
the internet “an even playing field”. Last
Thursday Ajit Pai, a Republican FCC commissioner inferred that the 332-page document
is really a scheme by the federal government to extract billions in new taxes and
enforce content regulation contingent with the progressive left’s idea of fairness.
The FCC’s actions include lies, cover ups, and a blatant act of disregard for
the Constitution, but if tyranny exists on an even playing field then I guess
its ok.
Midweek came revelations from a book written by former
presidential adviser David Axelrod claiming that President Obama lied about his
support for gay marriage before his election in 2008. Axelrod defended the
President’s “evolution” on gay marriage as a matter of political expediency
thus proving that the “most transparent administration ever” was off on the
wrong foot before Mr. Obama ever took office. Media indignation on this
reported lie was at best tepid. One can only assume this is due to the current
and widely publicized narrative that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
(LGBT) rights are without doubt among the most important topics of our time. So
it’s ok to lie a little.
The President confronted another of our country’s crucial
issues during last week’s Grammy Awards presentation when he inserted himself
into the festivities with a PSA to bring awareness to rape and domestic
violence against women. This is especially poignant considering Kayla Mueller’s
recent death at the hands of ISIS. This is beyond a lie. It is an absolute
insult to the American people to tell us that we should focus on the ‘abuses’
against women committed by Our culture, Our laws, Our own people while true
evil is abusing, enslaving, raping, prostituting, torturing, and killing women all
over the rest of the world. Our President has no trouble discussing changing
"our culture for the better by ending violence against women and
girls" or for that matter the “terrible deeds” performed during the
Crusades but he seems unable to string together the words "Islamic Terrorist".
The Grammy’s also brought us more evidence of what a
colossal ass-hat Kanye West is as he rushed the stage to once again insult
another artist. You may remember Kanye from the fundraiser for the victims of
Hurricane Katrina when he ditched his lines to proclaim that "George Bush
doesn't care about black people". Mr. West did not mention New Orleans
Mayor Ray Nagin who let hundreds of busses go under water and hundreds of
thousands of people go un-evacuated. The former mayor is now doing a 10 year
stint in federal prison for corruption charges but hey, he meant well, everyone
knows that Bush was the real problem. I bring this story up because George Bush
has been gone for 7 years and yet the racism in this country apparently
continues. With the first black president and first black attorney general it
is interesting to see that it’s not George Bush but the nation’s police
departments who now “don’t care about black people”. Instead of putting an end to any perceived
race problems we had under the Bush administration, the Obama administration
has continued to instigate, foster, and support a narrative of racism in this
country, particularly with law enforcement.
It is at best a blatant misrepresentation of the truth. It is extremely
dangerous and it’s starting to get people killed.
Hillary Clinton has been strangely unobserved of late which
is making some curious considering all of the 2016 presidential posturing
that’s going on. This prompted RNC chairman Reince Priebus late last week to
send a letter to the DNC asking their chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz if the
Democratic Party has “suspended” Hillary Clinton in the same way NBC News
suspended Brian Williams. You see there is a striking similarity between
William’s Iraq helicopter lie and a whopper that Mrs. Clinton told in 2008
about having to do a corkscrew landing while taking sniper fire on a trip to
Bosnia as First Lady. She further embellished the story explaining that once on
the ground they were told to run for it. None of this was true and she later recanted
saying that she “misspoke” due to “sleep deprivation”.
Human nature tells us that someone who is exaggerating on
such a large scale for self-aggrandizement is quite capable of doing so for
other reasons, and when as Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton made a conscious
decision to repeatedly blame the sacking of our Benghazi consulate on a little
known internet video called “Innocence of Muslims” she was promoting a serious
and dangerous lie. And it is a lie that she may have taken part in fabricating.
But, as she said to Congress, “at this point what difference does it make?” Is
she right? If we continue to accept the
lies fed to us every day by the people that we elected (or those appointed by
the people we elected) to run this country then are we not just getting what we
Last week ended with a story about the Federal Election
Commission (FEC) and their plans to
regulate the internet. It seems they cannot let the Federal Communication
Commission have all of the fun. The FEC is calling for burdensome new rules on
Internet-based campaigning that would in effect allow them to control content
on ‘political based’ web sites from The Drudge Report to Jib Jab. In the words
of FEC Chair Ann M. Ravel. “A reexamination of the commission’s approach to the
internet and other emerging technologies is long overdue.”
Ann Ravel’s statement may not be a lie, but the foreboding
conclusions one can derive from it create a chilling portent of a grave new
direction for this country, one where the very definition of the truth is
removed from the citizenry and placed firmly in the hands of the federal
government. Anyone else thinking of Orwell’s Big Brother? Be afraid, be very, very afraid…..
Buddy Walker
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